Authors are urged to have not more than two co-authors per manuscripts. Read the manuscripts critically prior to submission. Submission implies non-submission elsewhere and if accepted, no future publication without the consent of the Editorial Board.
Submit and send the paper on email ID: only. The paper should include title, au-thors with designation and address, introduction, methodology, findings, conclusion and references cited in standard international format. Type the article by using Times New Roman type face (14 pt for title, 11 pt for text, 10 pt for tables and references ).
MODE OF SUBMISSION : Authors should submit article along with declaration stating that the research paper has neither been published nor sent for publication in any other journal duly signed and details of authors i.e. Postal Address, Mobile Number, email.ID, D.D. , etc. (format available on website) to Dr. P. K. Wakle Chief Editor, Asian Journal of Extension Education, Maharashtra Society of Extension Education (MSEE), C/o Department of Extension Education, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth Akola, Maharashtra, India - 444004 or can be submitted online in the format given above.
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TITLE: The title should be unique and concise description of the paper. It should not exceed 10 to 12 words. The name of the authors should be centered below the title. The designations and address of the author(s) should be foot-noted.
STYLE: Manuscript must conform to current standards of English style and usage. The first person's pronoun is accepted and often preferred for clarity. Main clauses should usually be stated first. The introduction without a heading, should state clearly why the research was conducted. Give enough information on methods to indicate how the research was conducted so that the reader will have confidence in the validity of the results. Use tables and figures to illustrate the text and interpret the results.
REFERENCES: List citations alphabetically by names of authors and type them after the text. The form should be in the order of name of the author, year, subject title, name of the publication, volume and issue number and page numbers.
Examples: Dupare, B.U. and B. P. Sinha. 2000. Inter-Subsystem Linkages in Agriculture University. Maharashtra J. Extn. Edn. 19: 14-21..
Panpattiwar, S.C. 1999. A Study of Attitudes of Secondary and Higher Secondary Students towards Agriculture. M.Sc. (Agri.) Thesis. DBSKKV, Dapoli.
Ray G.L. 1991. Extension Communication and Management. Naya Prakash, Calcutta. pp. 230.